About Me


Co-author of SmartTesting, author of Hands-On Guide to Spring Cloud Contract: Creating Consumer-Driven Contracts to Leverage Contract Tests and Improve Your Code and co-author of Applied Continuous Delivery Live Lessons. Co-founder of the Warsaw Groovy User Group and Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup and the DiverseIT initiative. Author of Mockito Instant and Mockito Cookbook books.

Working on Spring Observability, Spring Cloud Sleuth, Spring Cloud Contract and Cloud Pipelines projects at VMware.


Short About me

Marcin Grzejszczak is the member of the Spring Engineering Team, working on Spring Observability, Spring Cloud Sleuth, Spring Cloud Contract. He’s the co-founder of the Warsaw Groovy User Group, Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup and the DiverseIT initiative. Author of Mockito Instant and Mockito Cookbook books and various online microservices and testing related courses. Within the last decade, he’s given more than 100 presentations and workshops and you can find them at his blog toomuchcoding.com and if you want to drop him a line, you can find Marcin on Twitter (@mgrzejszczak).

O mnie


Współtwórca szkolenia SmartTesting, twórca kursu Hands-On Guide to Spring Cloud Contract: Creating Consumer-Driven Contracts to Leverage Contract Tests and Improve Your Code oraz współtwórca kursu Applied Continuous Delivery Live Lessons. Współzałożyciel Warsaw Groovy User Group, Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup oraz inicjatywy DiverseIT. Autor książek Mockito Instant oraz Mockito Cookbook.

Lead projektów Spring Cloud Sleuth, Spring Cloud Contract oraz Cloud Pipelines w VMware.

