Here you can find a list of abstracts to talks that I have given


Is your JVM app flying blind? Unmask hidden issues with Observability superpowers!


Presentation and live coding - basic level


Struggling to debug latency, pinpoint bugs, or understand app behavior? This talk equips you with the ultimate Observability toolkit for your JVM-based application!

Discover proven techniques to transform your application from opaque to transparent:

  • Add superpowers instantly: Learn how to seamlessly inject observability into existing applications.
  • Debug like a pro: Leverage metrics, distributed tracing, logs, and exemplars to pinpoint latency bottlenecks and hunt down elusive bugs.
  • See the unseen: Gain deep insights into application health, performance, and user experience, empowering data-driven decisions.

Ready to reach the full potential of your JVM app using the industry’s golden standard? Join this session and become an Observability Jedi!

Micrometer Mastery: Unleash Advanced Observability in your JVM Apps


Presentation and live coding - advanced level


Is your application a black box? Is your current observability instrumentation not good enough? Do you want to add more to your metrics and distributed tracing? Join us and unlock the full potential of Micrometer and its cutting-edge observability features!

Dive into:

  • Micrometer Observation API: Instrument once and have multiple benefits out of it.
  • Observation Conventions: Instrumentation with standardized naming and tagging.
  • Automated Documentation: Effortlessly generate rich observability descriptions from your code.

We’ll showcase:

-Practical code examples for instrumenting real-world applications. -Advanced techniques.

Ready to elevate your observability game using the industry’s golden standard? This talk is your one-stop shop for Micrometer mastery!

Tracing Issues in Your Application


Presentation and live coding


Imagine that you’re receiving a support ticket that your application is not working fine. You read the attached stacktrace and now it’s time to solve the mystery - what did the user do that led to throwing of this exception? Is it possible to find all the logs from all the applications that correspond to this user’s business operation?

What if the user is complaining that the system is slow? How can you decide which concrete operation is the culprit? Is there any way to visualize the latency?

Let’s answer these questions by taking a deep dive into application observability using distributed tracing, metrics, and correlated logs via Spring Cloud Sleuth, Tanzu Observabilty, OpenZipkin, OpenTelemetry, and more!

The presentation will consist of some theory but there’ll also be live coding and demos.

Tracing Applications with Zipkin


Presentation and live coding


The hype related to microservices continues. It’s already common knowledge that creating distributed systems is not easy. It’s high time to show how that complexity can be contained.

Service Discovery and Registry (Zookeeper / Consul / Eureka), easy request sending with client side load balancing (Feign + Ribbon), request proxying with Zuul. Everything is easy with Spring Cloud. Just add a dependency, a couple of lines of configuration and you’re ready to go.

That’s fixing difficulties related to writing code - what about solving the complexity of debugging distributed systems? Log correlation and visualizing latency of parts of the system? Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin to the rescue!

The presentation will consist of some theory but there’ll also be live coding and demos.

Video Samples

Consumer Driven Contracts like TDD to the API


Presentation and live coding


Consumer driven contracts (CDC) are like TDD applied to the API. It’s especially important in the world of microservices. Since it’s driven by consumers, it’s much more user friendly. Of course microservices are really cool, but most people do not take into consideration plenty of potential obstacles that should be tackled. Then instead of frequent, fully automated deploys via a delivery pipeline, you might end up in an asylum due to frequent mental breakdowns caused by production disasters.

We will write a system using the CDC approach together with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Contract verifier. I’ll show you how easy it is to write applications that have a consumer driven API and that will allow a developer to speed up the time of writing his better quality software. The presentation will consist of some theory but there’ll also be live coding and demos.

Video Samples

Why Contract Tests Matter?


Live coding


You are writing integration tests, aren’t you? Have you ever needed to stub the HTTP or a messaging call? Have your tests passed? That’s awesome, but it doesn’t mean that your application is working fine or that your system will not break on end to end tests.

In this presentation you’ll see a system composing of two apps written from scratch. We’ll present the most frequent mistakes that take place during writing integration tests and we’ll show how you can use contract testing to fix those problems.

Video Samples

Contract Tests in the Enterprise




Is your legacy application talking to a service that is never up and running on your shared testing environment? Does your company waste a lot of time and money on regression testing only to see that, yet again, someone has created a typo in the API? Enough is enough. Time to fix this problem using contract tests!

In this presentation you’ll see how to migrate a legacy application to work with stubs of external applications. We’ll show different ways of increasing your test reliability by writing contract tests of your API. You’ll see the difference between producer and consumer driven contracts.

Video Samples

Testing Your Message-Driven Application


Presentation and demo


So you end up with messaging and event-driven architecture. You also have heard about event sourcing and applied this principle in a few places in your code. Everything seems to be working perfectly, you are about to perform the first release and you’ve decided to change the structure of one event. The event you have changed was both used for state reconstruction (event sourcing) and integration (event-driven architecture). Due to that change, out of a sudden, your acceptance environment stopped working… “How come?! I have only changed an implementation detail in my cool event-sourced domain!” said the senior developer.

In this talk, we will chat about how to work with events that are used as integration messages in your system. We will tackle content-negotiation, versioning and acceptance tests.

There will be a lot of Spring Cloud stack and we will see how we can benefit from Consumer Driven Contracts when NOT using REST APIs.

Video Samples

Continuous Deployment of Your Application


Presentation and demo


“I have stopped counting how many times I’ve done this from scratch” - was one of the responses to the tweet about starting the project called Cloud Pipelines. Every company sets up a pipeline to take code from your source control, through unit testing and integration testing, to production from scratch. Every company creates some sort of automation to deploy its applications to servers. Enough is enough - time to automate that and focus on delivering business value.

In this presentation we’ll go through the contents of the Cloud Pipelines project. We’ll look at how we think a good deployment looks like and how a new project can have the deployment pipeline set up in no time. We’ll deploy the application to Cloud Foundry (but we also could do it with Kubernetes and Ansible) and check if it’s is backwards compatible so that we can roll it back on production.

Video Samples

How to live in a post-Spring-Cloud-Netflix world


Presentation and demo


Zuul? Gateway? Should we get rid of Ribbon? What is going on with Hystrix? If you have ever faced those questions, come and listen to this talk. In December 2018, Netflix decided to move a number of their popular OSS projects, like Hystrix and Ribbon into maintenance mode and to make newer, backward incompatible versions of some others, like Zuul and Archaius. The Spring Cloud team moved some of the corresponding Spring-Cloud-Netflix projects into maintenance mode as well and proposed a newer, more modern Spring Cloud stack that could be used instead. During this talk, we would like to show how to move over to these newer solutions. We will discuss possible approaches, show a code demo and speak about potential issues and solutions.


Śledzenie Problemów w Twojej Aplikacji


Prezentacja i kodowanie na żywo


Wyobraźmy sobie sytuację, w której otrzymujemy zgłoszenie błędu naszej aplikacji. Czytamy jego opis i przygotowujemy się do rozwiązania zagadki - jakie kroki wykonał użytkownik, że rzeczony błąd miał miejsce? Czy jest możliwe, żeby znaleźć wszystkie logi ze wszystkich aplikacji, które dotyczą operacji biznesowej, którą wykonał nasz klient?

Co jeśli użytkownik narzeka, że nasz system działa wolno? Jak możemy zdecydować, która konkretna funkcja jest tego przyczyną? Czy istnieje możliwość zwizualizowania takich opóźnień?

Odpowiemy na te pytania poprzez omówienie zagadnień z dziedziny obserwowalności aplikacji za pomocą śledzenia rozproszonego, metryk i korelowania logów na przykładzie narzędzi Spring Cloud Sleuth, Tanzu Observability, OpenZipkin, OpenTelemetry i innych!

Prezentacja będzie składać się z części teoretycznej i kodowania na żywo.

Ciągłe wdrażanie Twoich aplikacji


Prezentacja i demo


“Przestałem liczyć ile razy musiałem zbudować to od zera” - to jedna z odpowiedzi na Tweet dot. rozpoczęcia projektu Cloud Pipelines. W każdej firmie, na nowo tworzone są rury wdrożeniowe, które wyciągają kod z repozytorium, odpalają testy jednostkowe i integracyjne, po czym wdrażają paczkę na produkcję. Automatyzacja samego wdrożenia często też jest tworzona od nowa, za pomocą przeróżnych skryptów. Mamy tego dość! Czas zautomatyzować wszystkie te procesy i skupić się na dowożeniu wartości biznesowych.

W tej prezentacji przejdziemy przez koncepcje zawarte w projekcie Cloud Pipelines. Zobaczymy jak wygląda nasza modelowa rura wdrożeniowa i jak nowoutworzony projekt może z niej skorzystać. Wgramy aplikację na Cloud Foundry (moglibyśmy też ją wgrać do Kubernetesa lub gdziekolwiek za pomocą Ansiblea) i zweryfikujemy kompatybilność wsteczną aplikacji w celu przywrócenia wersji na produkcji w przypadku jakichkolwiek komplikacji.
