I’m pleased to announce that JSON Assert version 0.4.0 got released! The following feature has been added

Retrieving value basing on the JSON Path

Wouldn’t it be great to retrieve the value from the JSON via the JSON Path? There you go!

    String json = ''' [ {
                            "some" : {
                                "nested" : {
                                    "json" : "with value",
                                    "anothervalue": 4,
                                    "withlist" : [
                                        { "name" :"name1"} ,
                                        {"name": "name2"},
                                        {"anothernested": { "name": "name3"} }
                            "someother" : {
                                "nested" : {
                                    "json" : true,
                                    "anothervalue": 4,
                                    "withlist" : [
                                        { "name" :"name1"} , {"name": "name2"}
                                    "withlist2" : [
                                        "a", "b"
        JsonPath.builder(json).array().field("some").field("nested").field("json").read(String) == 'with value'
        JsonPath.builder(json).array().field("some").field("nested").field("anothervalue").read(Integer) == 4
        assertThat(json).array().field("some").field("nested").array("withlist").field("name").read(List) == ['name1', 'name2']
        assertThat(json).array().field("someother").field("nested").array("withlist2").read(List) == ['a', 'b']
        assertThat(json).array().field("someother").field("nested").field("json").read(Boolean) == true

The JsonVerifiable extends the JsonReader that allows you to call the read(Class<T> clazz) method to retrieve the value from the JSON basing on the JSON Path.


Remember that JSON Assert has its own Gitter channel so in case of questions do not hesitate to contact me there.
